As the weather begins to warm up, you may find yourself grabbing the nearest hairband to tie your flowing locks out of the way of your face. Having long hair can sometimes be a hindrance to you during the summer – moisture can sometimes cause your once-voluminous hair to fall flat, and having hair past your shoulders and onto your …
Your Guide to Festival Hair Care
With summer fast approaching, festival season is just around the corner. However, despite the fun that is bound to ensue, the heat, the sun rays and often having no access to a shower for several days means that your hair can sometimes struggle with the change in conditions.
How to Determine Your Hair Type
With the hair industry booming, the shelves are saturated with products for a variety of different hair types. From kinky to curly and wavy to straight, the ways in which you can distinguish your hair in order to find the best products for you can vary from salon to salon, often leaving you confused with what will work best for …
Your Guide to the Perfect Blow Dry
This festive season, your schedule might be getting more hectic by the minute! With a list longer than your arm of things that you need to organise and arrange before December 25th, a trip to your hairdressers to get a blow dry might be the last thing you have time for.